Design System updates (V.2.1.1)
23/03/23 | Blog
By Constantinos Evangelou, Interaction Design Lead
The design system has been updated to version 2.1.1. Even though there is a major version increase, the changes in the CSS are backwards compatible with v.1.3.2.
Updates include:
CSS and Javascript
Changes in the CSS and Javascript include:
- Added option to add CSS via CDN
- Added app.min.js javascript. Currently only used for the autocomplete function by the Confirm phone number pattern
Accessibility enhancements
- Updated all <labels> to include a valid for=”” attribute
- Updated the Info colour value to enhance contrast
- Updated page title instructions
Screen reader enhancements
- Updated all error messages and converted them from <span> to <p>
- Updated the error messages components with instructions for the usage of aria-describedby=”error_message_id” to help announce the error message on screen readers
Pattern enhancements
- Added confirm a phone number pattern
- Added dates pattern
- Added Page not found pages pattern
- Added There is a problem with the service pages pattern
- Added Service unavailable pages pattern
- Updated Telephone pattern to include displaying and storing telephones
New components
- Added breadcrumbs component
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