The Framework Agreement

The Framework Agreement for the “Digital Transformation of the Government Digital Services” is a fundamental component of the Digital Services Factory and part of the Recovery and Resilience plan for Cyprus (in Greek). It consists of a marketplace with selected Suppliers who participate in mini competitions offering service teams (Lot 1) and user research studios and participants (Lot 2).
Lot 1 – Service Teams
Suppliers will participate in mini competitions to offer teams for researching, designing, building, testing, releasing, iterating, or retiring a digital service.
Lot 2 – User research studios and participants
Suppliers will participate in multiple mini competitions to offer studios and/or participants for conducting user research. The actual user research is not part of Lot 2.
Διαδικασίες για Αναθέτουσες Αρχές
Διαδικασία διενέργειας μίνι διαγωνισμού (από την προκήρυξη μέχρι την υπογραφή της Σύμβασης “Call of Contract”) για την υλοποίηση ψηφιακών υπηρεσιών (front-end), μέσω του LOT1-Service Teams.
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