Final Assessment Phase
The Final Assessment is conducted at the end of the Making Stage to ensure that the Service meets the Service Standard and will be given the “go-ahead” for public introduction.

To qualify for the Final Assessment, the Service must have received an “Aligned” result in the Preliminary Assessment and the Service Team should have undertaken the following activities.
By that point, the Service Team should have undertaken the following activities:
- Looked into different programming tools to use
- Identified threats to the service
- Used open source, common components, and platforms
- Finalised the service design
- Developed the service
- Performed user research and conducted accessibility testing to ensure everyone can use the service.
- Tested the service. Functionality.
- Ensured the security of the service and relevant data
- Conducted user research during the pilot phase and made necessary adjustments.
What is being Assessed
All sections of the Service Standard.
The DSF Assessment Panel will decide whether the Service complies with the Service Standard as below:
A service is deemed to “Comply” when it’s fully aligned with the Service Standard with non-critical exclusions. Upon receiving this result, the Service is eligible to go live in pilot operation and within this period any identified non-critical exclusions must be resolved. During this period, user research with real user submissions must be conducted, and any findings must be addressed accordingly
At least 5 working days before the conclusion of the pilot operation, the Project Manager of the Contracting Authority must submit a request for a Verified Seal via email to the DSF Assessment Panel.
The Assessment Panel reserves the right to temporarily suspend the operation of the live Service if identified issues are not resolved within the specified timeframe.
If the Panel decides that the service fully complies with the Service Standard, it will receive the “Verified Seal” and will be publicly introduced on See all Verified Services.
Does not Comply
The Service has critical issues or exclusions that need to be resolved as outlined in the Assessment Report. With this result the Service cannot go live and must undergo revision, considering the results of the Assessment Report. The revised service must be resubmitted to the DSF Assessment Panel for reassessment. The assessment process will be repeated until the Service complies with the Service Standard.