Lot 2 – Suppliers

The Lot 2 marketplace consists of 5 suppliers providing user research Studios and participants for conducting user research. Additionally, Suppliers have the option to use Subcontractors in their Tenders in Mini Competitions to fulfil the requirements for Studios and/or participants.
User research participant recruitment and studio services providers
Supplier name | Contact details |
EY Cyprus Advisory Services Limited | email: Stefanos.Michael@cy.ey.com tel: 22209773 |
G.A.I.N Venture Studios Ltd | email: antonis.neocleous@gainventurestudios.com tel: |
Logicom Solutions Ltd | email: l.eliades@logicom.net tel: 22551099 |
Marvell Consulting | email: gov@marvell-consulting.com tel: +44 (0)20 3886 0115 |
PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited | email: minos.georgakis@pwc.com tel: 22555545 |