Design System
05/02/25 10:38 | A. Understanding User Needs | All Guidelines and Documentation | B. Leading Agile Teams | C. Choosing the right technology
Design your services using GOV.CY styles, components and patterns.
Use the Design System to make your service consistent with GOV.CY and avoid repeating work that’s already been done. The Design System makes it easy for digital teams to build accessible, consistent, and performant services and products to meet Cyprus’ needs.
Running the Discovery Phase
24/02/23 12:08 | A. Understanding User Needs | All Guidelines and Documentation
The discovery phase is the initial stage of any service development and a crucial step in the design process; it allows for a deeper understanding of the problem that the service aims to solve, as well as the needs and expectations of the users who will be using it. This phase could last up to 8 weeks. The duration can vary depending on the complexity and novelty of the problem.
The User Accessibility Steps
24/02/23 12:03 | A. Understanding User Needs | All Guidelines and Documentation
Accessibility in design allows users of diverse abilities to navigate, understand, and use an electronic Service. Improving a product’s accessibility can enhance its usability for all users, including those with low vision, blindness, hearing impairments, cognitive impairments, motor impairments or situational disabilities
Service Development Workflow
22/11/22 17:33 | A. Understanding User Needs | All Guidelines and Documentation | B. Leading Agile Teams
The Service Development Workflow document describes the high-level process that can be followed to develop a good public-facing government service.
The User Research steps
22/11/22 15:59 | A. Understanding User Needs | All Guidelines and Documentation
User research is a form of qualitative research that helps us to understand our users, identify the usability of designs and allows teams to respond to any problems before development or implementation.
Performance Metrics
09/06/22 11:22 | A. Understanding User Needs | All Guidelines and Documentation | C. Choosing the right technology
This document describes the KPIs scopes, the 5 core metrics that should be gathered by all services, and additional metrics that can be optionally measured.
Content Design Standards for Services
09/05/22 22:33 | A. Understanding User Needs | All Guidelines and Documentation
Content design exists to help people get what they need from the government/state simply and quickly, using the most appropriate content format or medium available. It focuses on what the user needs to know when they need to know it, rather than writing everything the government/state might want to say. This makes it easier for the user to find what they need, to understand it and act on it.
Journey Mapping
09/05/22 22:11 | A. Understanding User Needs | All Guidelines and Documentation
User journey mapping is the process of creating a visual story of the users’ interactions with a service. It may include many different transactions across organisations needed for the user to achieve their outcome.
Performance Framework
09/05/22 21:25 | A. Understanding User Needs | All Guidelines and Documentation | C. Choosing the right technology
The goal of the Digital Services Factory is to provide well maintained, user centered services that help the user achieve an outcome with minimal effort. In order to measure the level of success of our services we need to answer questions such as: Is the service working for the users? Is it working well? Are the changes we are making improving the service? What does good looks like?
GDPR key definitions
09/05/22 20:22 | A. Understanding User Needs | All Guidelines and Documentation | C. Choosing the right technology
Under data protection law, consent means offering individuals real choice and control in relation to how their data is processed. Consent requires a positive opt-in and a very clear and specific statement of consent – don’t use pre-ticked boxes or any other method of default consent.